Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Advertising Information or Manipulation - 1532 Words

Advertising: information or manipulation? Advertising, a word that is synonym to the word marketing, has a rich back round. When we talk about marketing the first things that come to our mind are money, goods, services, and of course consumers. Advertising’s role should only exist in order to help society by real information about products and services, decide what to purchase according to people’s actual needs. One definition of advertising is: Advertising is the non-personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media.(Bovee, 1992, p. 7). We could separate advertising in two categories. Giving information through†¦show more content†¦On September 12, 1957, a man named James Vicary announced that his company had perfected a means for flashing high-speed commercial messages during movies and television broadcasts. The messages, he claimed, could not be perceived consciously but could b e detected by the subconscious and with dramatic results. According to Vicary, the unannounced transmission of the messages â€Å"Hungry? Eat Popcorn† and â€Å"Thirsty? Drink Coca-Cola† to movie audiences increased popcorn sales by 57.7 percent and Coke sales by 18.1 percent. Vicary’s announcement triggered outraged editorials and other expressions of resentment, but the disagreement eventually faded. Vicary’s strategy is one example of a marketing technique known as subliminal advertising. Subliminal advertising exposes people to commercial messages of which they are subconsciously, but not consciously, aware. As researchers articulate, evidently such messages can be detected, for the phenomenon of subliminal communication is well established. In other words, people have been shown to respond to stimuli even though they were unable to report on the existence of those stimuli. However, the power thresholds below which a signal cannot be consciously detec ted, and above which it can be knowingly perceived, vary both for one person and among different people. (Phillips, M. 1997). The three most common forms of subliminal advertising are (a) brief visual messages or stimuli, (b) accelerated speech in auditoryShow MoreRelatedAdvertising: Information or Manipulation2608 Words   |  11 PagesJones. Advertising: Information or  Manipulation? Advertising is the same word as marketing it has the same background. When talking about marketing we must think about services, consumers’ money and also goods. Normally advertising should be something that can be helpful for the society by telling them the real information about services as well as products they will decide what to purchase concerning their needs. Bovee define advertising as â€Å"the non-personal communication of information usuallyRead More Advertising: Information or Manipulation? 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