Thursday, November 14, 2019

Using Biometrics for Security :: Technology Safety Essays

Using Biometrics for Security Today the protection of everything has become an important issue that affects everyone. Whether it’s protecting a cashier’s cash drawer or preventing a suicide bomber onto an aircraft. Either way there is going to be an increase and change in security. The advancement in the technology of computers has made it easier for people to get information. Today, a person can log onto the internet and view information on anything and everything. If an average person can do that then how secure is the internet? How much security should be placed on a computer or a website? For the average person, a password, personal identification number, or keys allow them to view information that only they can access. This form of security isn’t of high-quality because it can be forged. Over the years, many people have developed security systems that can actually authenticate a person. This report will be looking at these advancements as well as my thoughts of them. The improvement in security was developed on the bases of biometrics. Biometrics refers to the authentication techniques that rely on measurable characteristics that can be automatically checked. [1] Biometric techniques are divided into physiological and behavioral characteristics. Physiological characteristics include: the finger, palm, the face, and the retina and iris of the eye. Behavioral characteristics include: voiceprints, keystrokes and handwritten signatures. Fingerprints is the most commonly use of biometric today. It works great for the population between the ages of 18 and 40 because their prints are haven’t been effective by normal aging. In my view there are a few downfalls. The first on is due to aging. As we go through life our body changes. We lose fat on a fingers causing the image to become more difficult to read. The second one is due to the type of employment. A construction worker or a carpenter work with their hands all the time. Many of them get injuries on their hands causing a scar to alter the fingerprint. My final downfall is a bit distorted. A finger can be cut off. There are many people that will go to any means to get what they want. This includes cutting off a person finger and carrying it around till they get to what they need to access. Palm and hand scanner are less effective and more expensive then fingerprint scanners.

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