Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Goal of education Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Goal of education - Research Paper Example Education begins when a person is born. The initial education in a person’s life is acquired from the mother or the guardian. After which, a person advances to other formal education stages. The steps include preschool, primary, secondary, and higher level education. There are those in the society who benefit from special education such as the mentally handicapped (Arnove, 2007). Apart from the formal methods of education mentioned above, there are other forms that people use to acquire knowledge. Among them are alternative forms, indigenous forms, informal learning and self-directed learning (Schlosser & Simonson, 2010). There are many stakeholders’ to education. There are important roles assigned to each stakeholder in order to attain the goals of education. Among the stakeholders are students, parents or guardians, teachers, government, community, and businesses among others (Whitehead, 1967). The theory stipulates the purposes for the educational persuasion. The theory discusses in depth particular issues such as goals of schools, educational psychology, learning modalities, philosophy and curriculum (Collins,

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Nutrition and fitness (answer the questions) Essay - 1

Nutrition and fitness (answer the questions) - Essay Example Unlike in dynamic exercise, which is performed under a range of motions, isometric exercise is done in static positions. Isometric exercise is more suitable to people who are immobilized and can be performed unsupervised while on the other hand dynamic exercises are more vigorous and one may require supervision as they pose a greater risk. A lot of energy is consumed because of the many motions involved in dynamic exercises. As the rate of breathing is gradually increased, more oxygen is consumed. Blood pressure varies significantly during the day as the body is exposed to different exercise. An isometric exercise leads to increased heart rate, systolic and diastolic, therefore, not advised to persons suffering from hypertension. A physical unit of work is estimated differently in both dynamic and isometric exercises. The duration of time under which a muscle is exposed to tension is used to measure the intensity of isometric exercise, in dynamic exercises the distance the mass is moved plays a significant role. Dynamic exercises also involve strength training which has great impacts in muscle building viability of connective tissues and the general wellbeing of the body. Isometric exercise on the other had does very little in muscle training but helps maintain the muscles. Physiologically a person who undertakes dynamic exercises regularly has the lowest risk to heart attack as the body burns large amounts of cholesterol during the exercise. During the dynamic exercises for instance jogging, the body’s rate of metabolism increases above normal and this leads to sweating and panting due to increased heart rates.The constriction of the blood vessels and arteries is the main reason of increased blood pressure during both the isometric and dynamic exercises. The cardiovascular system responds in a complicated manner to dynamic exercises. It adjusts appropriately to keep the brain and the rest of the body parts supplied with blood. The ways in which